
Hello there.

Discovering that story telling is something that I enjoy doing, and as I’ve been told, am apparently good at; I am genuinely pleased that you, who ever you may be, have dropped by my little piece of the world to investigate what I have to offer.
I have Dyslexia, yup, that’s where my brain doesn’t find it easy to compile sentences, remember things and even rearranges letters in words so I can’t read what’s right in front of me. It’s like a sort of running joke from me to, well, me.
Along with my writing, I like to insert images from a simulation game I play called The Sims 4. My added images are included to help you, the wonderful reader, to engage even more with what’s going on.

At the moment I don’t have many stories to share, but this will change in time.
I’m sure that, unless you’re new to Planet Earth (in such a case, welcome, best not to stay too long); you know that the entire planet has gone through some rough times of late. Which is turn has affected many people, including myself.
Finding myself with some time on my hands, more than I know what to do with, I have chosen to put it to good use, and that, is this story blog.

Feel free to browse and have a look about the place.
Or (this will be set up soon) if you like you can click on the images below and they will take you to the story your interested in.

“There’s always a story. it’s all stories, really. The sun coming up every day is a story. Everything’s got a story in it. Change the story, change the world.” Terry Pratchett.

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